10-days summer camp in Dibra
In the framework of the project titled “Prevent and combat human trafficking by providing services to unaccompanied minors” financially supported by the Federal Foreign Office, Plan & Go staff in the municipality of Diber completed the 10-days summer camp from 28 June to 9 July 2021.
The camp was attended by 70 children of different age groups.
Activities were organized for 10 days, at the end of the first school year.
The summer camp aimed:
– Improving children’s’ knowledge on their right and responsibilities;
– Developing attitudes and behaviours that lead to self-respect and respect for others;
– Developing respect, understanding and appreciation of diversity, equal opportunities;
– Promoting equality, social justice, solidarity and friendship among children;
– Influencing the development of emotional intelligence and creativity for children;
– Providing developmental, educational and psychosocial activities.
We are very happy for the positive results of this camp and for the cooperation with the municipality of Dibra.